Evil-Frog, the greatest of the legendary Forum Necromancers. The original persona was that of the healer known as Pathenogen, his time in Paragon eventually made him cynical, and less inclined to actually heal anyone. To cope with this growing frustration, he changed his name to Mister Frog, and developed devices that allowed him to take a more active role in fighting crime - from his icy gauntlets to his RPG, he became a force to be reckoned with. But still, a darker aspect of his nature called, and eventually led him home to the Rogue Isles, where Evil Frog practices his dark arts.
Favorite weapons include anything dead. The lifeless corpses of threads of yesterday are his favorites, especially on the Justice Forums. Aside from the dead, he seems to have a strange affinity for cats, often making appearances in Kitty Court and the Litterbox. Initially, he hoped to conquer them, but has since decided to peacefully coexist.
Evil Frog is often categorized in the Rogue Isles as a Necromancy, Dark Mastermind. Oddly, he laughed at the traditional choices made by others of his profession, and rather than teleporting from place to place, he chooses to take the scenic route with a magically enhanced leaping ability.