Paragon Protectors
Villain types
7th Generation Paragon Protector
Crey denies the rumors that the Paragon Protectors are corporate pawns, but no one outside the company knows the truth for sure. The Claw Pattern hero is a master of melee combat, using both claws and enhaced physical atributes to make mincemeat of his or her opponent.
Flight Self fly
Crey Cloned Heroes can Fly!
Swipe Melee, Lethal, Low Damage
A fast Claw attack that shreds your opponent.
Slash Melee Lethal, Foe -Defense
A Slash attack deals high damage, and reduces the target's Defense.
Spin Melee, Area of Effect, Lethal
The Crey Cloned Hero spins aroundwith claws extended, slicing up all the nearby enemies.
Focus (Ranged) Area of Effect, Lethal, Foe Knockback
The Crey Cloned Hero can project a burst of focused power. Focus only travels a short distance, but it can also knock down foes.
Eviscerate Melee, Cone, Lethal, Very High Damage, Special
The Crey Cloned Hero spins and slashes around violently, attacking all nearby foesin a wide arc in front of him. Eviscerate is so deadly, that there is a chance of dealing extra damage!
Focused Fighting Self, +Defense
The Crey Cloned Hero can Focus his mind to evade many attacks.
7th Generation Paragon Protector
The Paragon Protectors keep their names and faces a secret. That way, their good deeds all get credited to Crey, while their less virtuous activities can be plausibly denied in court. The Quill Pattern heroes use a variety of deadly ranged and melee attacks to fill their enemies with holes.
Flight Self fly
Crey Cloned Heroes can Fly!
Barb Swipe Melee, Minor Damage, Lethal, Damage over Time (toxic), Foe -Speed, -Recharge
Shred your opponent with several quick swipes from your spines. Barb Swipe deals minor damage over time. Spine poison deals adittional damage over time and Slows affected foes. Damage: Minor (Damage over Time); Recharge: Very Fast.
Lunge (Melee, Lethal) Damage over Time (toxic), Foe -Speed, -Recharge
Your Attack and Movement speed are reduced by the spines. The toxins may leave you Immobilized.
Impale Ranged, High Damage, Lethal, Damage over Time (toxic), Foe -Speed, -Recharge, Immobilize
You can throw a single large Spine at a targeted foe. This Spine deals only Moderate damage, but carries a large ammount of the spine toxin. A successful attack can completely Immobilize most foes, as well as slowing them and dealing poison damage. Damage: Moderate; Recharge: Moderate.
Ripper (Melee, Cone) Damage Over Time, Toxic, Foe -Speed, -Recharge
Your attack and movement speed are reduced by the spines. The Toxins may leave you immobilized.
Temp Invulnerability Toggle, Self +Resistances (Smash, Lethal)
When you activate this power, you become highly resistant to Smashing and Lethal damage for a short duration. Recharge: Very Long.
7th Generation Paragon Protector
No one knows who these helmet clad heroes are, or where they come from. The only thing that is certain it's their loyalty to Crey. The Power Paragon Protectors can generate powerful blasts of energy in both melee and ranged combat situations.
Flight Self fly
Crey Cloned Heroes can Fly!
Power Bolt Ranged, Energy, Foe Knockdown
A quick attack that rapidly hurls small bolts of energy at foes, sometimes knocking them down. Fast, but little damage.
Power Blast Ranged, Energy/Smash, Foe Knockback
A much more powerful, yet slower version of power boltPower Blast sends a focused beam of energy at a foe that can knock him back.
Energy Torrent (Ranged) Cone, Energy/Smash, Foe Knockback
Unleashes a cone of energy thatknocks foes back.
Energy Punch Melee, Smash/Energy Damage, Moderate, Foe Disorient, Moderate
Powerful focused punch that may Disorient your opponent! .
Bone Smasher Melee, Smash/Energy, High Damage, Foe Disorient
The Bone Smasher is a slow attack, but makes up for it with a greater damage. Has a greater chance to Disorient than Energy Punch.
Whirling Hands Melee Area of Effect Smash/Energy
Launches a dizzying attack against everything in a nearby area.
Foot Stomp Point Blank Area Effect, Moderate Damage (smash), Knockback
The Crey Cloned Hero shakes the very earth itself with a super Foot Stomp, attacking everything in a nearby area.
Dull Pain Self Special
A Crey Cloned Hero can activate this power to increase his maximum Hit Points for a short time.
7th Generation Paragon Protector
No one knows who these helmet clad heroes are, or where they come from. The only thing that is certain it's their loyalty to Crey. The Power Paragon Protectors can generate powerful blasts of energy in both melee and ranged combat situations.
Flight Self fly
Crey Cloned Heroes can Fly!
Power Bolt Ranged, Energy, Foe Knockdown
A quick attack that rapidly hurls small bolts of energy at foes, sometimes knocking them down. Fast, but little damage.
Power Blast Ranged, Energy/Smash, Foe Knockback
A much more powerful, yet slower version of power boltPower Blast sends a focused beam of energy at a foe that can knock him back.
Explosive Blast (Ranged) Targeted Area of Effect, Smash/Energy, Knockback
Hurls a blast of charged energy that violently explodes on impact, damaging all foes near the target.
Energy Torrent (Ranged) Cone, Energy/Smash, Foe Knockback
Unleashes a cone of energy thatknocks foes back.
Energy Punch Melee, Smash/Energy Damage, Moderate, Foe Disorient, Moderate
Powerful focused punch that may Disorient your opponent! .
Bone Smasher Melee, Smash/Energy, High Damage, Foe Disorient
The Bone Smasher is a slow attack, but makes up for it with a greater damage. Has a greater chance to Disorient than Energy Punch.
Whirling Hands Melee Area of Effect Smash/Energy
Launches a dizzying attack against everything in a nearby area.
Foot Stomp Point Blank Area Effect, Moderate Damage (smash), Knockback
The Crey Cloned Hero shakes the very earth itself with a super Foot Stomp, attacking everything in a nearby area.
Dull Pain Self Special
A Crey Cloned Hero can activate this power to increase his maximum Hit Points for a short time.
Moment of Glory Self +Resistances (All Damage but Psionics), -Hit Points
When you activate this power, you lose almost all of your Hit Points and can no longer Regenerate Hit Points, However, you become Resistant to all damage types except Psionics, recover Endurance more quickly, and are highly resistant to Sleep, Disorient, Immobilization, and Hold effects. Recharge: Very Long.