Browser Search Plugin
Here is a quick and dirty search plugin to add the ability to search the Paragon Wiki, the CoH Forums, or to the search toolbar in Firefox and Opera.
[hide]Installing in Firefox
Open up Notepad or your favorite text editor. Wordpad isn't the best item for this operation, because it insists on adding a .txt extension, while we want a .src or .xml extension on this file, depending on the version of the plugin. Copy and paste one of the plugins text into your editor.
Save this file in your C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\searchplugins folder using the corresponding name and extension from the list below:
- paragon-wiki.xml
- Badge-Hunter.src
- CoHBoards.src
- VidiotMaps.src
If Firefox is in a different directory, you'll have to change the filepath appropriately. Close down Firefox and restart. You'll now have a nice, new CoH related search in your search box.
Installing in Opera
Setting up a new search engine in Opera is easy. Go to the website you want to set up and find their search box. Right click (command-click for Mac) on the text entry box for the search and select "Create Search...".
Older versions of Opera may not support this method. Upgrading to a newer version of Opera is recommended. Past methods of managing search engines relied on the Opsed tool, which is now defunct.
The Plugins
Paragon Wiki plugin
This plugin code has been updated to conform to the new wiki file structure as of July 15th, 2007.
<SearchPlugin xmlns="" xmlns:os=""> <os:ShortName>Paragon Wiki</os:ShortName> <os:Description>Search the Paragon Wiki</os:Description> <os:InputEncoding>UTF-8</os:InputEncoding> <os:Image width="16" height="16"></os:Image> <UpdateInterval>7</UpdateInterval> <UpdateUrl></UpdateUrl> <IconUpdateUrl></IconUpdateUrl> <SearchForm></SearchForm> <os:Url type="text/html" method="GET" template="{searchTerms}"> </os:Url> </SearchPlugin>
Alternatively, a direct click-to-install version may be found here.
The plugin searchs using Google. To use the alternate name (, replace any occurance of Hunter in the plugin with Whore.
For Firefox, right click on this image , and save it in the SearchPlugins directory, with same name you gave the the search plugin, but with a .png extension (i.e. if you named the plugin Badge-Whore.src, then call the image Badge-Whore.png).
# Mozilla search plugin for through Google # by StarGeek # This file is released into the public domain. # # Version: 0.9 (May 20, 2006) <SEARCH version="7.1" name="" description="Search on" method="GET" action="" searchForm="" queryCharset="UTF-8" > <input name="q" user> <input name="q" value=""> </search>
City of Heroes Forum Search plugin
Due to the recent forum upgrade, this plugin is currently non-functional. A fix will be coming soon.
This plugin will search all forums on the City of Heroes boards for the term entered. Unlike the search on the CoH boards, it doesn't default to only the previous week. If you prefer the City of Villains skin for the board, change the line action="" to action="".
It is highly suggested that you prefix any search term you use with a plus sign +, due to the way the City of Heroes Forum search works.
For Firefox, right click on this image and save it in the SearchPlugins directory, with same name you gave the the search plugin, but with a .png extension (i.e. if you named the plugin CoHBoards.scr, then call the image CohBoards.png).
# Mozilla search plugin for the City of Heroes forums # by StarGeek # This file is released into the public domain. # # Version: 0.9 (June 29, 2006) <SEARCH version="7.1" name="City of Heroes Forum" description="Search on the City of Heroes Forums" method="GET" action="" searchForm="" queryCharset="UTF-8" > <input name="Words" user> <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="All_Forums"> <input name="where" Value="bodysub"> <input name="Limit" Value="25"> </search>
Creating individual forum search
The above search will search the entire forums. If you wish to create a search that will search though one or more specific forums, you can remove the <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="All_Forums"> line and replace it with one or more of the bolded sections in the following list. For example, if you want to create a seach that only searches the 'Announcements' and 'The Training Room' sections of the board, you would add two lines, <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="f12"> and <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="f17">.
- Development, <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="c1">
- Developers Corner, <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="f43">
- Announcements, <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="f12">
- Technical Issues and Bugs, <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="f20">
- The Training Room (Test Server), <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="f17">
- Players Choice Awards 2006, <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="c2">
- Players Choice Awards 2006, <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="f59">
- Player Help and Ideas, <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="c3">
- Suggestions and Ideas, <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="f41">
- Player Questions, <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="f42">
- Badges and Gladiators, <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="f45">
- Player Events, <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="f58">
- Player Guides, <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="f23">
- *Archetypes And Powers, <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="c4">
- Archetypes and Powers General Discussion, <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="f19">
- Blaster, <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="f24">
- Brutes, <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="f50">
- Controller, <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="f25">
- Corruptor, <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="f52">
- Defender, <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="f26">
- Dominator, <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="f54">
- Kheldian, <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="f44">
- Mastermind, <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="f53">
- Scrapper, <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="f27">
- Stalker, <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="f51">
- Tanker, <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="f28">
- Player vs. Player, <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="c5">
- PvP Zones, <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="f49">
- PvP General, <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="f55">
- Bases, <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="c6">
- Base Construction, <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="f47">
- Base Raids, <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="f48">
- For Fun!, <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="c7">
- General Discussion - CoH, <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="f13">
- General Discussion - CoV, <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="f40">
- Supergroups, <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="f15">
- Comic and Hero/Villain Culture, <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="f14">
- >Roleplaying, <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="f16">
- Screenshots and Fan Art, <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="f22">
- Forum Games, <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="f57">
- Servers, <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="c8">
- Champion, <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="f29">
- Freedom, <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="f30">
- Guardian, <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="f31">
- Infinity, <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="f32">
- Justice, <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="f33">
- Liberty, <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="f34">
- Pinnacle, <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="f35">
- Protector, <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="f36">
- Triumph, <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="f37">
- Victory, <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="f38">
- Virtue, <input name="Forum%5B%5D" Value="f39">
Red Tomax's plugin
The NoFuture plugin searches NoFuture using Google. Some search terms will pull up non-CoH/V entries (for example, Blaster search pulls up some transformer entries), since Red's site has more than just CoH/V pages.
# Mozilla search plugin for Red Tomax's through Google # by StarGeek # This file is released into the public domain. # # Version: 0.9 (May 20, 2006) <SEARCH version="7.1" name="" description="Search on Red Tomax's" method="GET" action="" searchForm="" queryCharset="UTF-8" > <input name="q" user> <input name="q" value=""> </search>
For a heroic- or villainous-specific search of NoFuture, just append /coh or /cov to the value respectively. This will eliminate any unrelated hits in the results.
Vidiot Maps
The plugin search Vidiot Maps using Google.
For Firefox, right click on this image , and save it in the SearchPlugins directory, with same name you gave the the search plugin, but with a .png extension (i.e. if you named the plugin VidiotMaps.scr, then call the image VidiotMaps.png).
# Mozilla search plugin for through Google # by StarGeek # This file is released into the public domain. # # Version: 0.9 (May 20, 2006) <SEARCH version="7.1" name="" description="Search on" method="GET" action="" searchForm="" queryCharset="UTF-8" > <input name="q" user> <input name="q" value=""> </search>