Praetorians (Enemy Group)
Praetorians are one of the highest villain groups in CoH and can only be found during Portal missions.
Given the complex nature of this group, I have decided to try a different kind of format to explain them, according to their factions and leaders:
Nuon (minion)
AntiMatter equipped his creations with the ability to generate energy and channel it into attacks. Altough they appear somewhat similar to Neuron's minions and to Clockwork of Primal Earth, they are mechanical constructs and obey only the master of radiation.
Irradiate Self Area of Effect, Energy, -Defense
Emits radiation in all directions damaging all nearby foes over a short duration. Like other Radiation attacks, this power can bypass some of a targets defenses. Irradiate severely reduces the targets defense.
Neutrino Bolt Ranged Energy, Low Damage, -Defense
A very quick, but low damage attack, Neutrino Blast can reduce the targets defense.
No Melee attacks No Hand to hand
Nuons don´t have any Melee attacks at all.
Meson (lieutenant)
AntiMatter's constructs are designed to work together, but occasionally there will be a specific task that he wants accomplished. The Meson unit is almost always assigned to these duties. They carry more logical circuits and can more easily follow complex instructions.
Irradiate Self Area of Effect, Energy, -Defense
Emits radiation in all directions damaging all nearby foes over a short duration. Like other Radiation attacks, this power can bypass some of a targets defenses. Irradiate severely reduces the targets defense.
Neutrino Bolt Ranged Energy, Low Damage, -Defense
A very quick, but low damage attack, Neutrino Blast can reduce the targets defense.
No Melee attacks No Hand to hand
Mesons don´t have any Melee attacks at all.
Baryon (boss)
The Baryons are the most powerful of AntiMatter's constructs. They generate an intense ammount of radiation and must be carefully contained when fighting in areas with civilian presence.
Irradiate Self Area of Effect, Energy, -Defense
Emits radiation in all directions damaging all nearby foes over a short duration. Like other Radiation attacks, this power can bypass some of a targets defenses. Irradiate severely reduces the targets defense.
Neutrino Bolt Ranged Energy, Low Damage, -Defense
A very quick, but low damage attack, Neutrino Blast can reduce the targets defense.
No Melee attacks No Hand to hand
Baryons don´t have any Melee attacks at all.
AntiMatter (archvillain)
Trapped within his powered armor, AntiMatter used to be Tyrant's primary scientific consultant. He and Neuron were once the best of friends and created the Clockwork of Praetorian Earth together. Of late his teories have been more and more radical, causing Tyrant to lean on Neuron for research and analysis. Unbeknownst to anyone, AntiMatter has cracked the Portal tech. He is waiting to reveal his breakthrough in order to garner favor from Tyrant and his true love, Dominatrix.
Flight Self fly
AntiMatter can Fly!
Escape Self, special (see note)
Anti-Matter can Teleport to escape when the battle is not going his way.
Radiation Infection Targeted Area of Effect,Toggle, Foe -Defense, -Accuracy
Infects a targeted foe with deadly radiation. All foes the target comes in contact with will also become infected. The Radiation Infection will last as long as the Crey Scientist can keep this power toggled on or when the original infectedtargeted dies. Infected foes have severely reduced Accuracy and Defense.
Enervating Field Foe -Damage, -Resistances
You have been exposed to an Enervating Field of radiation. Your damage and damage resistance are reduced.
Lingering Radiation Foe -Speed, -Recharge
Your attack rate and movement speed has been slowed by the Lingering Radiation.
Irradiate Self Area of Effect, Energy, -Defense
Emits radiation in all directions damaging all nearby foes over a short duration. Like other Radiation attacks, this power can bypass some of a targets defenses. Irradiate severely reduces the targets defense.
X-Ray Beam Ranged Energy, -Defense
Sends a ray of X-Ray radiation energy that deals heavy damage. X-Ray Beam can bypass some of a targets defenses and reduce the targets defense.
Electron Haze Short Range Energy, -Defense, Knockback
A short range conical blast of electron radiation. The attack can bypass some of a targets defenses and reduce the targets defense. It can also knock down some targets.
Neutron Bomb Targeted Area of Effect, Energy, -Defense
This devastating attack lobs an explosive sphere of deadly radiation damaging the target and all nearby foes. Neutron Bomb can bypass some of a targets defenses and reduce the targets defense.
Atomic Blast (Energy, Area of Effect) Foe -Defense
AntiMatter has reduced your Defense and left you helpless with his Atomic Blast.
Electrode (minion)
The basic model of minion designed by Neuron was originally blueprinted to be a laboratory assistant. It is excellent at following simple commands and would have been well suited for tasks a scientist did not have the time or muscle for. Neuron quicly realized that the metallic minions could be used as attack drones and adapted his plan on the fly.
Charged Bolts Ranged Energy, Foe -Endurance
Neuron's Clockwork can quickly hurl small bolts of electricity at foes. Charged Bolts deals light damage and also drains some endurance.
Pummel Melee Heavy Smash, Energy
Assembler brawling attacks.
Charged Brawl Melee Smash, Energy
Neuron's Clockwork brawling attacks.
Circuit (lieutenant)
A more powerful version of the Electrode unit, this minion can sometimes cause trouble for a single opponent. A group should be able to easily defeat it, however due to its limited power supply. It has excellent offensive capabilities and should be dealt with carefully if more than one is present.
Charged Bolts Ranged Energy, Foe -Endurance
Neuron's Clockwork can quickly hurl small bolts of electricity at foes. Charged Bolts deals light damage and also drains some endurance.
Lightning Bolt Ranged Energy, Foe -Endurance
Neuron's Clockwork can send a large blast of electrical energy at a foe. Lightning Bolt deals good damage and also drains some endurance.
Ball Lightning Targeted Area of Effect (Energy), Foe -Endurance
Hurls a highly charged ball of lightning that explodes on contact. Ball Lightning deals good damage in an area and also drains some Endurance from each target it hits.
Pummel Melee Heavy Smash, Energy
Assembler brawling attacks.
Charged Brawl Melee Smash, Energy
Neuron's Clockwork brawling attacks.
Inhibitor (boss)
The Inhibitors are sometimes said to be the most difficult of Neuron's creationsto deal with. They are built to make it difficult for any opponent to do what they are good at. This ability to negate the strenghts of their foe make the Inhibitors a frustrating and potentially deadly opponent.
Charged Bolts Ranged Energy, Foe -Endurance
Neuron's Clockwork can quickly hurl small bolts of electricity at foes. Charged Bolts deals light damage and also drains some endurance.
Tesla Cage (Ranged, energy) Foe Sleep, -Endurance
You have been captured and your Endurance Recovery has been temporarily halted by a Tesla Cage.
Pummel Melee Heavy Smash, Energy
Assembler brawling attacks.
Charged Brawl Melee Smash, Energy
Neuron's Clockwork brawling attacks.
Lightning Field (Self, Point Blank Area of Effect, Energy, Foe -Endurance)
While in this Lightning Field, you are taking Energy Damage over Time and loosing Endurance.
Neuron (archvillain)
Neuron is the creation of his own twisted scientific experiment. He gave himself complete control over his body's nervous system. Once he and AntiMatter worked together as friends, but of late a rift has formed between them. Neuron's creation of Siege and the favor that garnered him with Tyrant is the primary cause of discord between them.
Charged Bolts Ranged Energy, Foe - Endurance, -Recovery
You can quickly hurl small bolts of electricity at foes. Charged Bolts deals light damage and also drains some endurance.
Ball Lightning Targeted Area of Effect (Energy), Foe -Endurance, -Recovery
Hurls a highly charged ball of lightning that explodes on contact. Ball Lightning deals good damage in an area and also drains some Endurance from each target it hits.
Tesla Cage (Ranged, Energy) Foe Sleep, -Endurance, -Recovery
Neuron has captured you and temporarily halted your Endurance recovery with his Tesla Cage.
Lightning Clap Point Blank Area of Effect, Foe Disorient, Knockback
You can clap your hands together to release a violent Lightning Clap. The Lightning Clap can knock down most nearby foes, Disorienting many of them. Lightning Clap deals no damage. Recharge: Slow.
Thunder Strike Melee Smash, Foe Disorient, Area of Effect Knockback, -Recovery
A massive attack. Neuron smashes his foes with all the power of the lightning to deal a blow. The pummeled victim may be Disoriented and all nearby foes may be knocked down and take additional damage from the resulting violent release of energy.
Power Sink Foe -Recovery
Neuron has temporarily halted your Endurance recovery with his Power Sink.
Shocking Grasp Foe Hold, -Recovery
Neuron has Held you and temporarily halted your Endurance recovery with his Shocking Grasp.