Laura Lockhart
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Laura Lockhart | |
![]() UNSF Deprogramming Specialist | |
Zone | Steel Canyon |
Coordinates | (-3743.6, -84.0, -522.2) |
Level Range | 20-24 |
Introduced By | Walk up and Shake Hands |
Introduces | None. |
Enemy Groups |
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Badges |
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Laura Lockhart is a hero contact in the Blyde Square neighborhood of Steel Canyon at coordinates (-3743.6, -84.0, -522.2). Her level range is 20-24. She is standing about 200 yards east of the Blyde Square marker.
Contact Introduced By
None, walk up and shake hands.
Contact Introduces
UNSF Deprogramming Specialist
Petty Officer Laura Lockhart has gained a reputation for being the top anti-5th Column resource the U.N. has at its disposal. She has spent most of her time deployed in Paragon City, where the Column's influence is the greatest. Known as one of the few people that have managed to break former recruits of the Column's indoctrination process, Laura has pioneered new interrogation methods that are now used the world over.
Initial Contact
The young woman seems a bit startled at your approach, but composes herself in time to greet you.
Hi there! Thanks for responding so quickly. I keep forgetting how fast you Hero-types are. Petty Officer Laura Lockhart, UNSF Social Psychology Division. It's a pleasure to meet you, Character.
Laura extends a hand towards you.
- [Shake hands] Likewise. What's this all about?
- 5th Column activity in Paragon City has flared up lately, especially in this district. Something's got them riled up pretty bad, and they've been going to town on all of the local Council regiments. I'm here to try and find out what's causing the surge, and see if I can put a stop to it.
- That's where you come in. I need someone out in the field that can handle themselves in enemy territory. Naturally, recruiting one of the local heroes seemed to be the best option.
- Laura leans in towards you, grinning mischievously.
- So, what do you think? You wanna sign up and take down some fascists?
- Absolutely.
- Alright then!
- Putting on a mock-serious face, Laura snaps to attention and salutes you.
- Petty Officer Laura Lockhart, reporting for duty, sir!
- Sir? Excuse me?
- Just showing my superior officer the proper respect!
- I've got direct orders from Colonel Taggard. Any FBSA-licensed Hero that signs on is hereby assigned the temporary rank of Sergeant, for the duration of this mission. I'm here to advise and provide support, but your butt's the one in the fire, here. This is your operation.
- Laura pauses for a moment, grinning.
- ...Sir.
- Right. Let's get to work then.
- Wait, what? Why should I care if the Council is getting attacked?
- Laura frowns at you.
- Look, even setting aside the fact that the 5th Column are a violently anti-government fringe organization with military firepower operating inside U.S. borders, the fact is that their surge against the Council is causing some serious collateral damage. You can't start a war in the middle of a business district and avoid civilian casualties - not that the Column is trying. As far as they're concerned, innocent bystanders are just bonus points.
- Laura stares at you, hard.
- If you want to let people like that run amok in your city, then I guess that's all we have to say to each other. I'm hoping that you care a little bit more than that.
- Point taken. Where do we start?
- Well, we start by issuing you your temporary rank. Colonel Taggard has ordered that all FSBA-licensed heroes are assigned the temporary rank of Sergeant for as long as they're working with us. He doesn't want there to be any... jurisdictional conflicts between the UNSF and local forces. Now, I could start calling you Sergeant Character, but I think for both our sakes it would make more sense for me to keep things informal.
- During this operation, I'll be here to direct and support your efforts against the 5th Column, but you'll be calling the final shots. You've been working in this city for longer than I have, so I'm sure you've got the chops for it.
- Laura eyes you skeptically.
- You ready to get started?
- Let's get to work.
- Hmph. So why, exactly, are U.N. troops stationed in Paragon?
- Laura's smile falters for a moment, but she forces it back into place. She lets her hand drop to her side.
- Don't know if you know this, pal, but the 5th Column is considered an international terrorist organization. Anywhere the Column rears its head, the U.N. is going to have an interest - and there's no place in the world that's got as much Column in it as Paragon City. I might add that both the PPD and the FBSA have been fairly appreciative of our support.
- But I didn't call you here to talk international politics. I want to talk action. Fact is, the 5th Column in this district has been mobilizing, and they've been taking out Council bases left and right. Now I've been tasked with finding out the cause of this recent surge, and I intend to put a stop to it if I can. I'm going to need some help in that, and I thought you might be the right person for that job. Was I wrong?
- Wrong? No. If you're here to stop the Council, I'm in.
- Alright then!
- Putting on a mock-serious face, Laura snaps to attention and salutes you.
- Petty Officer Laura Lockhart, reporting for duty, sir!
- If they're after the Council, I say let them fight it out.
- +++ Missing Information +++
Ready for the next operation, Character?
No More Missions
+++ Missing Information +++
Story Arc
Collateral Damage
+++ Missing Information +++
Part One: Net Victory
Alright. The first thing we need to do is to try to get a bead on what, exactly, is causing the 5th Column to become so active in this region.
My intel team has been tracking their comm traffic, but it's encrypted. We can't figure out what they're saying, but we CAN figure out who's talking to whom - and we've located a hub of recent activity.
If we can get our hands on their encryption codes, we might be able to get the inside info we need.
I'm guessing that's where I come in.
Well, sort of. I've already made the recommendation to another local hero recruit, goes by the name Leon. He's got an infiltration mission underway.
I think he can handle himself in there, but that's only based off his record.
In the interest of being safe, and of coordinating your efforts, I thought you might want to provide some backup.
Unnecessary Solicitation
It looks like Leon is still in the field. He could probably use your assistance.
Mission Objective(s)
You encountered the bodies of 5th Column guards outside the entrance to the base. It appears Leon doesn't believe in taking prisoners.
- Infiltrate the 5th Column Base
- Find Leon
- Escape the base with Leon.
- Escape the base with Leon.
You managed to exit the 5th Column base relatively unscathed.
They wiped the info? Damn! I was sure we'd get a lead on this one.
I don't why they would have wiped their logs, Character. That's not standard Column procedure. Either Leon took his sweet time reaching the main database, or something leaked.
Laura's face twists into a wry smile, and she cocks an eyebrow at you.
Its possible that my arrival in Paragon has drawn more attention than I expected.
Part Two: Wars of Old
Alright, Character. I've put together a few possible avenues we can pursue in this investigation, and I wanted to get your-
Laura stops herself short, putting a hand to her ear. You can hear muffled chatter coming from her earpiece.
Missed that last message, Central, please repeat.
As the chatter continues, Laura's eyes grow wide. She looks up at you, her mouth slightly agape.
We're going to have to cut off the planning discussion for now, Character. I just got a report of a massive Column operation near Overlook, and sounds like Council forces are mobilizing to meet them.
This is big, Character. If we don't nip that fight in the bud, it could spill out into the rest of Steel Canyon.
How should we proceed?
We'll get you and Leon transport to the area. I know you could probably get there yourself, but we'll need to coordinate our efforts if we want to minimize damage.
Once you arrive at Royal Overlook, I can help direct the two of you. I'll be working with my team at Central, so we should be able to pin down the hotspots and point you to them.
Let me know as soon as you're ready, Character. We can't afford to waste any time.
Are you ready to head out, Character?
I'm ready, Laura. (Start Mission)
Mission Objective(s)
You hear the sounds of explosions and automatic weaponry in the distance. Time to move.
- Stop the Fighting in Steel Canyon
- Rescue the workers at the Construction Site!
- Stop the fighting downtown!
Protect Dupont Tower! (Timed 3:00)
You've managed to stop the open war in Steel Canyon... for now.
Upon completing the timed objective: You prevented Dupont Tower from collapsing!
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Steel Savior You have gone above and beyond the call of duty and prevented Steel Canyon from turning into a war zone. |
Notable NPCs
- None.
We're in the clear for now, Character. All emergency alerts in Steel Canyon have been cancelled, and my team hasn't seen any new ones crop up.
I get the feeling, though, that we don't have a lot of time to work with. What we need now is information, and I think I have an idea how to get it.
Part Three: On the Home Front
Infiltrate the 5th Column Outpost
We've tried Leon's approach, and frankly, I'm not all that impressed. he's a good fighter, but he doesn't really do 'subtle' and he tends not to leave much room for information gathering.
I'm hoping you'll have better luck. My team has managed to pattern most of the comm traffic between Column cells, and we think that they're receiving outside help. Every time the 5th Column attacks the council, the operation's done before the Council even know what hit them. They always seem to know what their opponent's defenses are, and how to bypass them. Heck, the fact that they even know the locations of some of these bases implies that they've gotten their hands on a solid source of info.
If that's the case, then we need to ferret out their source and shut it down before the fighting gets out of hand.
Do we have any leads?
Just one. E know that the Column have set up an outpost in an old warehouse in Steel, and we know that they haven't been moving supplies through it. It also doesn't have much strategic value, at least in their conflict with the council.
That leads me to believe that the outpost is being maintained as a rendezvous, outside of the warzone. if the Column have an outside informant, that would be the ideal place to set up a meeting. I'm willing to bet that the officer in charge over there has exactly what we need to put a stop to the surge.
Laura pauses for a moment, taking a deep, slow breath.
Look, I know it's a lot of 'ifs', but it's the best lead we've got. I still feel like we can get a handle on this case, Character. We just need a bit of luck on our side.
Mission Objective(s)
You can see what Laura was talking about. The 5th Column have barely bothered to fortify this place. It's certainly not being used for any standard operations.
- Infiltrate the 5th Column Outpost
- Defeat the outpost leader
- Talk to the Officer
Use the comm terminal
You've learned of an attack on the UNSF facility!
= Infiltrate the 5th Column Outpost
From what the 5th Column's informant told you, a large-scale assault on the UNSF base may already be underway. They're not equipped to repel an assault force. You'll need to get there quickly, if the local UNSF forces are to have any hope of survival.
Mission Objective(s)
The 5th Column have already begun their assault. You may have been too late to intercept them, but you may still be able to drive them out!
- Defend the UNSF Base
- Find Laura
- Use the nearby terminal
Break the 5th Column siege!
5th Column
notable NPC Laura Lockhart (Ally, non-combat) Field Marshal Metzger (Boss)
{{NPC Text|title=Comm Terminal|text= You approach the terminal and open the communications line. Immediately, Leon's face appears on the screen
Character. I was hoping to speak with Lockhart. Where is she?
Laura's dead. The 5th Column are storming the base... where are you?
Leon frowns, ignoring your question.
That's a shame. About Lockhart, I mean. Really, I don't think she was ever cut out for this kind of thing. Too good-natured for war.
Leon's expression darkens, and his voice gains a grim quality.
You, on the other hand, were capable enough to cause problems. Really, none of this would have been necessary if you had left me alone to my work.
And what work is that, exactly?
- The Council and the 5th Column are woven from the same cloth, Scrawl. Both organizations, if left to their own devices, would be capable of atrocities you could hardly imagine.
- There is only one way to deal with the two of them, and that is to turn them against one another. At their current pace, both sides are suffering tremendous losses. Given enough time, they will become weak enough for the heroes of Paragon to eliminate them entirely... but only if the war is allowed to continue.
- And the innocent bystanders of this 'war'? Are they expendable?
- Frankly, yes. If by doing this I can prevent either side from becoming a threat - a true global power - then the costs of this war are a necessity.
- I don't enjoy this, Character, but I will do what needs to be done. I can understand your position. I know you want to do the right thing. You were just...
- Leon pauses, as if trying to find the correct phrase.
- You... were in the way. You're collateral damage, in this war. I'm sorry it had to be this way.
- It doesn't, Leon. You can stop this war, and end the suffering.
- Your words fall on deaf ears. As you are speaking, Leon cuts the signal, and the terminal goes blank.
- Though the signal is lost, the terminal still displays tracking info for its origin. You make a point of recording the coordinates before leaving.
- Leave
- or
- Not as sorry as you're going to be, Leon. I'll find you, sooner or later.
- +++ Missing Information +++
You cowardly piece of trash! I'll make you PAY!
- +++ Missing Information +++