The Ghosts are a villain group.
[hide]Villain Types
Spirit (Croatoa)
These mournful ghosts were, until recently, the shopkeepers, farmers, and students of Salamanca. Their sudden departure from this Earth has thrown them into great turmoil, and most feel compelled to take out their rage on their former home.
Ethereal Self Invisible, Invunerable
Ghosts can make themselves Ethereal and shift out of the material plane. Ethereal Spectres are invisible, and cannot affect or be affected by those in normal space.
Ghastly Blast -Accuracy
Your Accuracy has been reduced by a Ghastly Blast.
Resistance Auto Resistance Sleep, Fear, Immobilize, Slow
Ghosts Spirits are resistant to Sleep, Fear and Immobilize.
Spirit (Ghost Ship Moraine)
The remains of the fishng trawler Moraine has never been found. It has been theorized that its sailors must have died a terrible death, since their spirits are clearly not at rest.
Apparition (Croatoa)
These mournful ghosts were, until recently, the shopkeepers, farmers, and students of Salamanca. Their sudden departure from this Earth has thrown them into great turmoil, and most feel compelled to take out their rage on their former home.
Ethereal Self Invisible, Invunerable
Ghosts can make themselves Ethereal and shift out of the material plane. Ethereal Spectres are invisible, and cannot affect or be affected by those in normal space.
Ghastly Blast -Accuracy
Your Accuracy has been reduced by a Ghastly Blast.
Life Drain -Accuracy
The Ghost has drained your life to heal herself. Your Accuracy is reduced.
Resistance Auto Resistance Sleep, Fear, Immobilize, Slow
Ghosts Spirits are resistant to Sleep, Fear and Immobilize.
Apparition (Ghost Ship Moraine)
The remains of the fishing trawler Moraine has never been found. It has been theorized that its sailors must have died a terrible death, since their spirits are clearly not at rest.
Lost Soul (Croatoa)
These mournful ghosts were, until recently, the shopkeepers, farmers, and students of Salamanca. Their sudden departure from this Earth has thrown them into great turmoil, and most feel compelled to take out their rage on their former home.
Ethereal Self Invisible, Invunerable
Ghosts can make themselves Ethereal and shift out of the material plane. Ethereal Spectres are invisible, and cannot affect or be affected by those in normal space.
Ghastly Blast -Accuracy
Your Accuracy has been reduced by a Ghastly Blast.
Life Drain -Accuracy
The Ghost has drained your life to heal herself. Your Accuracy is reduced.
Necroplasmic Grasp Damage over Time (Negative), Hold
The Ghost has enveloped you in it's Necroplasmic Grasp. You are Held as your life is drained.
Resistance Auto Resistance Sleep, Fear, Immobilize, Slow
Ghosts Spirits are resistant to Sleep, Fear and Immobilize.
Lost Soul (Ghost Ship Moraine)
The remains of the fishing trawler Moraine has never been found. It has been theorized that its sailors must have died a terrible death, since their spirits are clearly not at rest.
Named Enemies
- Penelope Nemmers (Mission 5 from Gordon Bower)
- Jean Rhodes (Mission 6 from Gordon Bower)