Monitor Duty Badge
Your time spent protecting your Supergroup's base has earned you the Monitor Duty Day Job. Logging out in your Supergroup base will earn you a Prestige bonus, when you log back in, each time you complete a mission for a short time.
Day Job Bonus
For every X hours, Character gains Y minute duration up to a maximum of 2 hours.
Progress is made towards this badge when you log back in next to a Base Portal. If you use the Base Transporter (21 month Veteran Reward) to travel to the base from a location that isn't next to a base portal then log out while in the supergroup base, you will not earn progress towards the badge despite what the badge text says. In that case, you will earn progress for whatever day job is represented by the location you logged in at. (For example: If you use the base transporter to go the supergroup base from Cimerora and then log out, you will receive progress towards the Cimeroran Day Job Badge when you log back in because you'll be logging in to Cimerora.)
Accolade Requirement
Monitor Duty | Patroller |
Rapid Response Member |
Monitor Duty | Criminal |
Trouble Maker |
Where to Find
Hero Zones
- Atlas Park
- Galaxy City
- Kings Row
- Steel Canyon
- Skyway City
- Faultline
- Independence Port
- Talos Island
- Croatoa
- Brickstown
- Founders' Falls
- Peregrine Island
- Rikti War Zone
- Pocket D
- Recluse's Victory
Villain Zones
- Mercy Island
- Port Oakes
- Cap au Diable
- Sharkhead Isle
- Nerva Archipelago
- St. Martial
- Grandville
- Rikti War Zone
- Pocket D
- Recluse's Victory