Target custom next (Slash Command)
Target custom next is a standard tool for any type of hunting. It is particularly useful when hunting specific entities (e.g. Tsoo Sorcerers) for badges, or for checking a mob for a particularly dangerous type, such as Malta Sappers, or Void Seekers and Quantum spawns for Keldians.
The standard from of target_custom_next is to use it to create a keybind or macro of the type of creature you are looking for. For instance:
/macro find "targetcustomnext enemy alive quantum$$targetcustomnext enemy alive void$$targetcustomnext enemy alive cyst"
Triggering this macro will examine all entites in the user's field of view for quantums, voids, or cysts. This can be combined with the standard target_enemy_next command in order to prioritize these items, but select the next available enemy if they dont exist in this manner:
/bind TAB "targetenemynext$$targetcustomnext enemy alive quantum$$targetcustomnext enemy alive void$$targetcustomnext enemy alive cyst"