Template:Common Badges Fear Duration
Crafting Invention: Sleep Duration, Invention: Slow, Invention: Hold Duration, Invention: Disorient Duration, Invention: Immobilization Duration, or Invention: Fear Duration enhancements counts toward these badges:
Blinding You have memorized the following recipes at level 10: Sleep, Snare, Hold, Stun, Immobilize, and Fear. |
Beguiller You have memorized the following recipes at level 15 and 20: Sleep, Snare, Hold, Stun, Immobilize, and Fear. |
Charming You have memorized the following recipes at level 25 and 30: Sleep, Snare, Hold, Stun, Immobilize, and Fear. |
Charismatic You have memorized the following recipes at level 35 and 40: Sleep, Snare, Hold, Stun, Immobilize, and Fear. |
Mesmerizer You have memorized the following recipes at level 45 and 50: Sleep, Snare, Hold, Stun, Immobilize, and Fear. |