Talk:Acronyms and Abbreviations
From Paragon Wiki Archive
There's a LOT to add to this, and I'll make it prettier as soon as I can. --TonyV 02:57, 11 Feb 2006 (CST)
- I will attempt to make a spreadsheet from City of Heroes Forums --Konoko 00:23, 3 March 2006 (PST)
- This this will be a simple listing of abbreviations with links to their individual pages. I stumbled upon RA and expanded it.
- Should we limit this to CoH/V related abbreviations only, and leave out things like LOL and MMO? Or shall we list those below? That way the more relevant abbreviations are on top and the general abbreviations are on bottom. Example:
==CoH Abbr.== SC: Steel Canyon, Skyway City, Siren's Call RA: Recovery Aura, Regeneration Aura
==Other Abbr.== LOL: Laugh Out Loud MMO: Massively Multiplayer Online Game
- I will still create my spreadsheet/database and include a field for CoH relevancy.
--Konoko 02:58, 3 March 2006 (PST)
Ah, using Categories makes more sense. I appologize for not thinking of that. With your go ahead, I will start creating articles for each acronym and adding them to the Definition Category --Konoko 03:04, 3 March 2006 (PST)
Hmm... Definition format doesn't look right, too cluttered.
;word:Definition :second Definition
--Konoko 04:48, 3 March 2006 (PST)
- Sure, go ahead and start adding them. I added a few just to try to decide whether or not I like it or not, and I think I do. Eventually, I'd like definitions expanded to more than just abbreviations. For example, I'd like articles on things like "Area of Effect," "Aggro," "Squishy," etc.
- I wouldn't mind adding in some common generic online-speak stuff like lol, g2g, and so on. What does everyone else think?
- --TonyV 06:07, 3 March 2006 (PST)