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Latest revision as of 17:22, 6 September 2014

Part One: What Has This Place Become?


So suga', I know that you're all-knowin' about the Resistance and all that, but how much do you know?

Did you know them folks in the Resistance have their own little war going on? S'right, two little factions, Wardens and Crusaders. Now Wardens, they're the cats without claws, you don't gotta worry yourself one bit about them. Crusaders, though, they're dangerous. They'll do whatever it takes to take down Emperor Cole - even if it means killin' everyone around us. I don't know about you, suga', but I like bein' alive.

Problem we have right now is that I got word from on high some of these Crusaders might have gone and infiltrated the PPD. That's bad news all around, 'cause if they got themselves inside information, there's no tellin' how many people are gonna die.

So we got ourselves some traitors to weed out, suga'.

  • I'm all set. Do you have any possible leads?

You bet I do, or else I wouldn't be talkin' to you 'bout this.

I got my suspicions that someone within the PPD here in Nova is our little turncoat.

Here, take these listening devices. I need you to be plantin' these devices on the computers of three suspected traitors in that PPD precinct. Now it ain't gonna be as easy as just walking up to their computers and plantin' it. We gotta make sure that our little traitor isn't in the know about our plan, you understand?

Here's some documents givin' some backgrond on each of our suspects. You can use the info here to lure 'em away from their computers. You've gotta make sure none of them traitors see you plantin' this bug on their computers. You might wanna snoop around the precinct for any additional information you can go and use to get 'em movin'.

I'll be listenin' in on my end to see if anything juicy comes up.

Cleopatra hands you the files on the officers suspected of treason.

Icon clue generic.png
Officer Chance's Profile
Cleopatra gave you this document on Officer Chance.

Cleopatra added this note on a coversheet inside the report.

'It seems Chance is a bit of a gambler and has been known to take some time off of work to go meet with those who owe him money.'

Icon clue generic.png
Officer Shanning's Profile
This is the document Cleopatra gave you regarding Officer Shanning.

Cleopatra added this summary to the report.

'It's well known throughout the precinct that Shanning is dying to do whatever it takes to get a promotion. This includes trying to get an audience with Emperor Cole in the hopes of showing off all he has done for the department.'

Icon clue generic.png
Officer Pell's Profile
Officer Pell's profile details the works he's done with Troy Altman, the CEO of a large construction corporation within Praetoria.

Cleopatra wrote this note in the margin.

'-This is curious because Pell was not invited to the ball that Altman is holding tonight, despite the support he has given to him.'

Unnecessary Solicitation

Now come on suga', this ain't hard. Someone like yourself can do this easy, better than Michael could. He'd just walk in and kill everyone in there, if it meant findin' one traitor.

Mission Objective(s)


The PPD Precinct is bustling with activity. Normal citizens wouldn't be allowed to wander the area - good thing members of Powers Division get a free pass.

  • Plant bugs in the PPD Precinct
    • Distract Officer Chance
      • Plant a bug on Chance's computer
    • Distract Officer Shanning
      • Plant a bug on Shanning's computer
    • Distract Officer Pell
      • Plant a bug on Pell's computer

You've planted the bugs. Now to get back to Cleopatra to see if she'll be able to find anything in the meantime.


  • None


Badge DefeatPPD.png Praetorian Police Department
Badge DefeatClockwork.png Praetorian Clockwork

Notable NPCs

Contact Small Officer Shanning.jpg
Officer Shanning


Member of the Powers Division, huh? What do you need?

  • There's someone outside, saying something about owing you some money?
Eh? No one owes me any money. Trust me, I'm pretty strict about this sort of thing.
  • Well, that's a good quality to have, I guess.
  • There's a rep for Troy Altman outside, he's looking to get rid of tickets for the ball tonight.
The ball? I'd love to go, but I'm sitting in tonight to watch the new episode of Elf Cop.
  • ...alright then.
  • Emperor Cole wants to see you for a private audience regarding a promotion.
Really?! I knew it! I'm finally going to get recognized and get promoted into Cole's private division!
  • Good luck with the meeting.

Contact Small Officer Chance.jpg
Officer Chance


Yes? What can I do for a member of the Powers Division?

  • Emperor Cole wants to see you for a private audience regarding a promotion.
Hah, yeah right, real funny. I'm not desperate enough for a promotion to believe something like that.
  • Your loss then.
  • There's someone outside, saying something about owing you some money?
Finally! listen, let's keep this between us, alright?
  • You've got it.
  • There's a rep for Troy Altman outside, he's looking to get rid of tickets for the ball tonight.
I'm not too interested in the ball, I've got more important things to do tonight.
  • Suit yourself.

Contact Small Officer Pell.jpg
Officer Pell


You're part of the Powers Division, right? What do you need from us here?

  • There's a rep for Troy Altman outside, he's looking to get rid of tickets for the ball tonight.
Oh, I already got my tickets for that ball. Troy stopped by himself to give them to me, even apologized for the mix up. Turns out some other person received my tickets for tonight's ball.
  • Ah... but don't you need to prepare for it? know what, that's a very good point. I'll call it an early day to get ready, I wouldn't want to look bad in front of Troy.
  • Good to know.
  • Emperor Cole wants to see you for a private audience regarding a promotion.
Right, and I bet Praetor White is going to give me a bunch of flowers for doing a good job, right?
  • ...maybe?
  • There's someone outside, saying something about owing you some money?
Trust me, no one owes me money.
  • ...right.


Good job on buggin' them desks, suga'. Now we just gotta play the old waitin' game to see which one of our boys is the real traitor...

You have a phone on you, tiger? Call me if you need to talk, 'k baby? Just don't let Michael know you have my number, he gets jealous easily. / Call me whenever you fancy, girlfriend, we'll catch up for a bit and then get down to business.