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Latest revision as of 13:06, 3 May 2009

Investigate the 2nd an abandoned medical facility

Hello there. I could use your help with something if you're interested. I've been tracking Crey activity for some time now, and I believe I've found something that may be important.
I've traced some suspicious operations around some abandoned medical complexes in the Nerva Archipelago and will be investigating one of the facilities. While I'm doing that, I need you to move in and investigate the a second facility.
In particular, I'd like you to search for anything involving Crey contact with Minotaur Corportation Corporation. You'll also be looking for anything that might tell us what's been going on in there, or let us trace the operation to other hidden bases.
Mission goal
Locate whatever the Crey Operatives were working on. (no period)
Click complete
This device seems to be built to forcibly inject a kind of reddish-black slime into it's its "patient."
Minotaur Infiltrator
A front for the dark power of Decay, Minotaur Corporation has been working in secret to prepare a way for it to enter and consume this reality. As part of this goal, they have been infiltrating into Crey, using their seeming outward similarity and promises of power and riches to influence Crey into helping further their goals.
Though low ranking, these cold and calculating agents of the Minotaur Corporation have skillfully infiltrated into the ranks of the Crey Operatives. In battle they attack relentlessly with their assault rifles, but it is their swirling shields of malevolent darkness and their tendency to melt away into black slime when defeated that most obviously set them apart from the standard Crey agent.
Boss defeat - Minotaur Executor
The Agent slumps to the ground and disolves dissolves into a pile of disgusting black muck before your very eyes.
Failed Experimental Tank Freak
This Freak Tank Tank Freak seems to have been altered somehow. Shadows seem to flit around it's its metallic form, and it seems as if all the light in the surrounding area is somehow being drawn in and consumed by the metal monstrosity.
I see. What you found in the second facility matches roughly with what I found in the first.
This equipment you've found has been modified in very specific ways to serve a very specific purpose, and the files you recovered can't be ignored. It seems that Minotaur Corporation is once again attemtping attempting to infiltrate Crey by offering to empower their agents with the power of the Taint. This cannot be allowed.
Fortunately, I believe I can use the information you found to track down the next part of this operation. I should have a location for you shortly.

Strike second Ffacility

(Normalized references to Tank Freaks with regard to word order and capitalization)

The information we've found indicates the Minotaur has set up a secondary facility to complete final testing of the tainted augmentation process. If the project is successful in creating taint-powered freak tanks Tank Freaks then they will no doubt move on to augmenting field agents for Crey. We can't allow that to happen.
I've tracked what we've found and have several promising leads, the best of which leads back to a lab that was formerly part of the old Crey Revenant Hero Project. It's time to go in and shut the place down hard before they have a chance to get their process off the ground.
While you're in there, I'll be watching Crey and seeing about following up on the rest of these leads.
Follow up and Sstrike the next facility
Mission goal
3 Set charges to destroy the facility 3 charges to set to destroy the facility
Tainted Freak Eviscerator
Something is very wrong with this Tank Freak. What's left of the human part of the tTank is rotting away into black slime, and it's its cybernetic components pulse with a disturbingly violent beat of destruction.
Tainted Freak Annihilator
Something is wrong with this tTank fFreak. Its human components seem to be slowly dissolving, and the entire thing seems to emanate a sense of dread.

[NPC] Tainted Freak Annihilator: Violence... Sorrow... You're Your future dies with you!

[NPC] Minotaur Executor: Time for you to die a quick brutal deaths. (Tweak to work for both solo and teams) [NPC] Minotaur Executor: You're Your meaningless struggles will get you nowhere!

Nicely done. It sounds as if they were farther along than we had hoped, but at least they won't be unleashing any armies of tainted fFreaks after what you just did. Unfortunately it seems they're almost ready to begin using the process on agents anyway, and we don't know where they're setting up to do so.
Fortunately, I've tracked some of our other leads and have found something quite interesting.

Confront Demitrovich about orders

Interestingly enough, Lt. Demitrovich's file is full of edits and alterations and suspicious omissions, and her little sweep mission doesn't seem to have been ordered by anyone in the lLongbow chain of command. I'd be ready for anything when you find her.

[NPC] Crey Voltaic Tank: No way. Trust me on this. A little cash will trade hands, and our lLongbow friend will keep us clear.

[NPC] Agent Demitrovich: I wouldn't worry about that base being discovered,; it seems to me that Longbow is already commited committed to enforcing the peace elsewhere. A pleasure doing business with you.

[NPC] Agent Demitrovich: But at least lLongbow will have stopped them from carrying out their evil plan.

Crush Minotaur Augmentation Center

This is it. We have the location of the base where Minotaur is prepearing preparing to acitvate activate the final stages of their tainted augmentation project. If they succeed, they will not only gain a great deal of influence over Crey through control of their agents, but will be able to field a virtual veritable army of tainted agents that would be extremely difficult to stop.
It is critical that we strike the facility and destroy it before they are able to do so. Failure here could have dire consequences. Get yourself ready. I'll be contacting some support, and meeting you at the site. It's time to finish this together.
Mission goal
5 Set charges to destroy the facility! 5 charges to set to destroy the facility

[NPC] KOM AutoCav: Facility breached. Proceeding to the rally point to join the team.. ./... (one or three periods)

Longbow Commando
This lLongbow cCommando looks a little nervous as she looks around at the surrounding area, (extra space)but the look of determination in her eyes tells you she can be counted on, even in this twisted place.
Minotaur Instigator
The Instigators of the Minotaur Corporation act to make sure that (extra space)the infiltration and subversion of Crey continues as planned. They coldly and relentlessly persue pursue their goals, not hesitating to destroy anything or anyone that might get in their way. (period)
Malice of Decay
The source of the dark energies being used in the tainted augmentation program, the Decaygent Malice pulses with a dark and maddening power. Raditating pure malice and hatred, the all consuming taint of Decay pouring forth from him threatans threatens to unnaturally corrupt and consume all it comes into contact with.

[NPC] Malice of Decay: It is time. This will be the last batle battle of your lives.


Infusion Devices
These disturbing machines appear to be set up to forcibly inject a kind of reddish black bubbling slime directly into whoever is unfortunate enough to be hooked up to them. A high voltage power supply suggest that that it's also fully capable of shocking it's its victims into submission while it does.
The Failed Experiment
After the battle, you find that this tTank fFreak's eExcelsior supply system has been modified to inject the same reddish black gunk you found in the strange machines throughout the facility.
Minotaur Orders
This is a set of instructions to agents of the Minotaur Corporation, who have been slowly infiltrating Crey. It instructs the agents to assist Crey operatives in using "tainted" resources to experiment with the possibility of enhancing it's its agents, starting with test runs on the Freakshow.
A salvaged data chip
This data chip contains messages between Crey and Minotaur. Apparently, Crey is quite impressed with the new fFreaks' power, but is concerned about their unpredictability. Minotaur assures them that it is due to the fFreaks' chaotic nature, and that their own augmented agents will be entirely loyal.
Too little... too late...
The Minotaur agent gasps at you as he begins to disolve dissolve. "This defeat is meaningless. We've already perfected the process. Soon every agent of Crey will have the power to tear you to pieces, and behind it all will be Minotaur pulling the strings."
Deal with Demitrovich
After you prove to her she won't be removing you as witnesses, Demitrovich quickly changes gears. Before she mediports away, she sells out the Minotaur base she was being payed paid to hide from lLongbow, and offers to pass information on her villain contacts to you from time to time if the pay is good.
I'm here to help.
Wow... I didn't expect I'd be being sent to help someone as famous as you.
I recieved received priority orders from lLt. Demitrovich to assist with a special mission, so here I am. I'm a bit nervous,; this is my first time out in official capacity with the new gear, but I'll do my best to help however I can.
Death of Malice
As its tainted body implodes and disolves dissolves, the Decaygent laughs at you. "You haven't won. You've only slowed us down. Malice will rise again as always, and it is but one aspect of many. Delay us all you want, in the end you will be overcome. There is no other possible outcome."