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Latest revision as of 11:46, 14 April 2009


A new threat lurks in the shadows of Paragon City, and it's (its) heroes call upon you to help reveal this new foe. This is the initial mission of a planed (planned) multi story arc.


Architect Contact: Hello there[,] $supergroup[.] I have an urgent request from myself and other heroes around Paragon City. We need someone to look into a matter of great impotance (importance), and I think your group will be perfect for the job. Please contact me for further instruction if you wish to be of aid to your fellow heroes. Statesman and I will await your call.

Thank you for being prompt...time is of the essence. As you may well know, Paragon City's heroes have their costumes tailored and constructed by a department within City Hall. Recently[,] talks occured (occurred) between city officials and a private contractor, one Emilio Pucci, who's (whose) conglomerate Supermodels Corp has had the honor of dressing senators and heads of state. Chances look good that Pucci's organization will win the costume contract and begin servicing it at the turn of next month.

- (break up large paragraph)

My sources on the inside[,] though[,] have recently gone silent and I worry that it is somehow tied to this recent contract negotiation. I need someone to take a look inside Supermodels Corp and see if there is anything amiss, and your supergroup is prefect (perfect) for this job since you have a private contract for your costumes that falls outside of the cities (city's) current scope.


If this all turns out to be a misunderstanding[,] then I don't want the negotiations to fail through (because of) our involvement. Please be quick[,] $name! (no space before exclamation point)

Well done[,] $supergroup! This fabric Pucci designed is astounding indeed. It has within it the properties to mentally dominate any person who wears the material, and it's (its) power seems to get stronger the longer you wear it. This could truly have been a dark day for the heroes of Paragon City[,] as they would have eventually become pawns for Supermodels Corp.


About this other group calling itself Chaos Eternal[:] nothing is known by us (we know nothing) concerning them. Emilio Pucci's financial records seem to indicate his financial backing of a company that may have possible ties to Arachnos...perhaps this is them. I will have our agents look further into this delicate matter.


To access further missions regarding this new threat please search the computer system behind you under the name "Chaos Eternal". Missions will be handed out as more information comes in. Be vigilant, $supergroup, for you have saved Paragon City this day!

Characters and descriptions


This is the core group of Supermodels Corp, a fanatic group of runway models with a chip on their shoulders. While not the most frightening of the employee base, they are a solid foundation that will not crack under pressure. As beautiful as they are ambitious, this vixen will stop at nothing to make themselves stand out from the crowd[...]or elimiate (eliminate) the crowd altogether.


A newer recuit (recruit) of the Supermodels corporation (Corp), this model has not yet been exposed at length to the Pucci fashion line and thus retains some bit of individual thought. Her fashion dictates (indicates) a throwback to the 1980s era which has earned her scorn from more than a few other employees.


This employee of the Supermodels Corporation (Corp) has made a name for herself as dependable and hardworking. No photo shoot, fashion show or assassination would ever take place without a couple of these women as a core backup unit. She is happy to hake (take) a background role, but do not underestimate her threat.


Often seen on corporate advertisements for the Supermodels Magazine, this woman has endeered (endeared) herself to the public[,] so much so, (delete) that a loyal following of fans can be found on hand around every corner. Angel's Army, they are called[,] and they are completely under the control that is woven into Mr[.] Pucci's fashions. She kills with a smile...


The most successful of Pucci's fashion lines is his lingerie series. Combined with its proven effect of mind alteration, the Supermodels Corp is now pairing this ensemble with a psychotropic scent line of perfumes designed to heighten the effect entirely (greatly). The general public has no idea what is about to invade their bedrooms...


The Supermodels corporate family has many faces, none more destructive than this employee. Her sheer destructive force is matched only by her quick temper. She is only sent out when the collateral damage needs to be high.


Emilio took the world by storm with his "Less is More" attitude towards female fashions. His work has caught the eye of Chaos Eternal leader Phaseshift[,] who sees great value in this designer[]s ability to weave in (delete) mind control into his clothing line.


[NPC] Playful Playmate: Building sensors say there was a breech (breach) up front. Be on the lookout for intruders.
[NPC] Vengeful Vixen: Mr[.] Pucci assures us that soon the heroes of Paragon City shall grace the ranks of our growing army!
[NPC] Emilio Pucci: Once the city signs over the costume contract, I will begin mass producing my mind control fabric and enslave Paragin (Paragon) City's heroes as my own personal army. Contact Phaseshift and let him know that Stage 1 is almost complete!
[NPC] Emilio Pucci: Intruders!! Quickly, capture them[,] my beauties! Make them wear the clothing!
[NPC] Emilio Pucci: Do you really think you can bring down my plans for Paragon City?
[NPC] Emilio Pucci: Even if you defeat me, Chaos Eternal will bring things back on track! You'll see!
[NPC] Emilio Pucci: Your mistake is complete[,] you fools! My sensors indicate that Phaseshift is in the building[!]
[NPC] Emilio Pucci: Someone will take up... my..... cause....