Badge time.png   The Paragon Wiki Archive documents the state of City of Heroes/Villains as it existed on December 1, 2012.

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
00:38, 21 November 2008 CapAuDS1.jpg (file) 60 KB This is a map of the paths taken by the Rikti Dropships in Cap Au Diable. Red Paths are the first wave routes that drop UXBs. Yellow Paths are the secondary wave routes which drop no UXBs. 1
00:39, 21 November 2008 GrandvilleDS1.jpg (file) 56 KB This is a map of the paths taken by the Rikti Dropships in Grandville. Red Paths are the first wave routes that drop UXBs. Yellow Paths are the secondary wave routes which drop no UXBs. 1
00:39, 21 November 2008 MercyDS1.jpg (file) 65 KB This is a map of the paths taken by the Rikti Dropships in Mercy Island. Red Paths are the first wave routes that drop UXBs. Yellow Paths are the secondary wave routes which drop no UXBs. 1
00:40, 21 November 2008 NervaDS1.jpg (file) 136 KB This is a map of the paths taken by the Rikti Dropships in Nerva Archipelago. Red Paths are the first wave routes that drop UXBs. Yellow Paths are the secondary wave routes which drop no UXBs. 1
00:40, 21 November 2008 PortDS1.jpg (file) 56 KB This is a map of the paths taken by the Rikti Dropships in Port Oakes. Red Paths are the first wave routes that drop UXBs. Yellow Paths are the secondary wave routes which drop no UXBs. 1
00:40, 21 November 2008 SharkheadDS1.jpg (file) 67 KB This is a map of the paths taken by the Rikti Dropships in Sharkhead. Red Paths are the first wave routes that drop UXBs. Yellow Paths are the secondary wave routes which drop no UXBs. 1
00:41, 21 November 2008 StMartialDS1.jpg (file) 74 KB This is a map of the paths taken by the Rikti Dropships in St. Martial. Red Paths are the first wave routes that drop UXBs. Yellow Paths are the secondary wave routes which drop no UXBs. 1
00:42, 21 November 2008 AtlasDS1.jpg (file) 64 KB This is a map of the paths taken by the Rikti Dropships in Atlas Park. The Red Path is the first wave route that drops UXBs. Yellow Paths are the secondary wave routes which drop no UXBs. 1
00:42, 21 November 2008 FoundersDS1.jpg (file) 105 KB This is a map of the paths taken by the Rikti Dropships in Founders Falls. Red Paths are the first wave routes that drop UXBs. Yellow Paths are the secondary wave routes which drop no UXBs. 1
00:42, 21 November 2008 GalaxyDS1.jpg (file) 58 KB This is a map of the paths taken by the Rikti Dropships in Galaxy City. Red Paths are the first wave routes that drop UXBs. Yellow Paths are the secondary wave routes which drop no UXBs. 1
00:43, 21 November 2008 KingsDS1.jpg (file) 88 KB This is a map of the paths taken by the Rikti Dropships in Kings Row. Red Paths are the first wave routes that drop UXBs. Yellow Paths are the secondary wave routes which drop no UXBs. 1
00:43, 21 November 2008 PeregrineDS1.jpg (file) 60 KB This is a map of the paths taken by the Rikti Dropships in Peregrine Island. Red Paths are the first wave routes that drop UXBs. Yellow Paths are the secondary wave routes which drop no UXBs. 1
00:44, 21 November 2008 SkywayDS1.jpg (file) 109 KB This is a map of the paths taken by the Rikti Dropships in Skyway City. Red Paths are the first wave routes that drop UXBs. Yellow Paths are the secondary wave routes which drop no UXBs. 1
00:44, 21 November 2008 SteelDS1.jpg (file) 84 KB This is a map of the paths taken by the Rikti Dropships in Steel Canyon. Red Paths are the first wave routes that drop UXBs. Yellow Paths are the secondary wave routes which drop no UXBs. 1
00:44, 21 November 2008 TalosDS1.jpg (file) 78 KB This is a map of the paths taken by the Rikti Dropships in Talos Island. Red Paths are the first wave routes that drop UXBs. Yellow Paths are the secondary wave routes which drop no UXBs. 1
00:25, 8 May 2009 Matrix Room.jpg (file) 71 KB Commonly known as the Matrix Room, this room was originally intended to be a waiting room for Arena battles. It was deemed unnecessary and was left without an entrance. A bug that allows you to get under Peregrine Island allowed some players to get into t 1
19:59, 11 May 2009 Trammap.jpg (file) 129 KB Tram Map of Paragon City 1
20:29, 22 May 2009 Emoteblueprint1.jpg (file) 117 KB   1
20:30, 22 May 2009 Emoteclipboard2a.jpg (file) 71 KB   1
20:31, 22 May 2009 Emoteclipboard2b.jpg (file) 56 KB   1
20:31, 22 May 2009 Emotescroll1.jpg (file) 117 KB   1
20:43, 27 May 2009 Youradhere.jpg (file) 222 KB In game advertising, ads needed. 1
17:52, 4 June 2009 Midnightexitsigns.jpg (file) 520 KB How the Midnight Club exit for heroes would appear with signs telling player which door is which. Wouldn't that be nice? 1
20:52, 4 June 2009 Vanguard.jpg (file) 134 KB Vanguard set image 1
19:07, 5 June 2009 Ulterior.jpg (file) 129 KB Ulterior costume set 1
19:15, 5 June 2009 ArachnosChestDetail.jpg (file) 96 KB Arachnos Chest Detail image 1
19:16, 5 June 2009 ArachnosCapeHighCollar.jpg (file) 84 KB Arachnos Cape with High Collar mantle 1
17:49, 26 June 2009 Vines.jpg (file) 96 KB Vines Costume set 1
06:59, 16 July 2009 CSS1.jpg (file) 106 KB CoX Super Science rename 1 1
07:00, 16 July 2009 CSS2.jpg (file) 83 KB CoX Super Science rename 2 1
07:00, 16 July 2009 CSS3.jpg (file) 107 KB CoX Super Science rename 3 1
07:00, 16 July 2009 CSS4.jpg (file) 144 KB CoX Super Science rename 4 1